Seeing Spots: Leopard Vest + Bell-Sleeved Top

November 7, 2017

Vest: J. Crew (SimilarSimilarSimilar) // Top: J. Crew (Similar) // Pants: J. Crew (Similar) // Lip Color: Kat Von D. // Shoes: Old Coach (Similar) // Necklaces: Old J.Crew (Similar) old Kate Spade (Similar)

 Do you have a Power Outfit for the season? This is mine. I've worn this look to the office, a luncheon, and to a meeting with our National Leaders and it gives me that little boost of added confidence each time.

I've only gotten into vests in the past couple of years, but I get it now - perfect on 60 degree fall days and not as bulky as a coat. I love the leopard print of this vest. The only downside is that the faux fur could be much better quality. The quality isn't terrible - because, let's be real - I wouldn't have bought it. But I have a feeling I'll need to brush it more times than I'd like to prevent it from matting/looking worn.

It's a coincidence that the rest of the clothing in this look is J.Crew. I'm not cool enough to get free PR packages of J. Crew's new collections...yet 😀 I used to be really REALLY into J.Crew in college and at the beginning of the Recession when almost every item went on sale for $15. But in the past few years their collections had really been lacking that window shopping lust, and a lot of items just plain looked awkward. That is until their Fall 2017 collection - everything was *on* *point* in my opinion. I think they did a great job mixing classic shapes with some interesting fabrics and textures. I don't see most of the items going out of style fairly quickly.

What's your Power Outfit this season? Tell me about in the comments! 👇

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